Nov 15, 2007

Last day of school & realisation...

Today is my last day of school for the year 2007!! And how did i spend it...?? Typing and printing certificates for form 5 ppl.... Guess it could've been sitting in the class doing absolutely nothing...but typing the thing was kinda fun... but troublesome... loads of teachers using the computers and printer.... But sad part is i still have tuition during the holidays...grr... and we don't have a family trip planned yet....dun even know if it can be planned so late... coz bro is having SPM...
Something made me realise... When bro graduated i thought it wouldn't affect me in any way.. but then ... him not being there in school means i can't walk home from school with him anymore... though walking is not exactly the best way we bonded... but in a way it felt nice walking home together and occasionally chatting while we walked and running home in the rain..taking other routes to avoid fierce scary dogs... it'll never be the same... and then he'll be off to college... i'll be in school... eventually he'll get a gf and neglect me.... :'( ... i rely on him too much... most of the computer stuff i ask him to do for me so when he's not around i'm lost..leaving me to be the most un-tech savvy person in the house...but in a way seeing a sibling grow up is kinda nice... just hope that we'll still have our sibling-ly bond no matter what... :)
Its a good thing he doesn't read my blog..haha.... else he'll feel so important and he can bully me :P...



Blogger Shannon said...

i read your blog
and i think u are thinking too much
soon u'll realise when u grow up, u'll grow apart and then later on, u'll grow even closer... and college doesn't mean he'll move out... :D

3:20 PM  
Blogger Happy pig said...

llen u can link up to my blog if u want to ^^ thanks

1:59 PM  

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