Apr 26, 2009

A Clean Room...

My room has been tidied...finally :D
It started with form 5... as usual it is my habit to pile my books on the table and not put them on the shelves... or even when i put stuff on the shelves they look messy on the shelves itself :P ...
So everytime Mum and Dad "notice" the mess (or rather care to mention and nag at me about it..coz the mess is VERY noticeable XD) they'll ask me to clean it up and i kept saying i'll do it after SPM...
Post-SPM holidays came and it was still messy..hehe... CNY came and it was STILL messy... and I hadn't expected my friends to come to my house at that time and they all saw the pigsty i call my room...
College started and the pile of junk GREW... with new books and all those papers...
And dad has been coming in very often and always says it reflects the person.. -.-''' ... guess he's trying to say junkyard=me....

So today i dunno why.. maybe coz i was already sweaty from driving (hehe... illegally of course..haven't even went for undang ><) ... i decided to clean up all the junk...

All the useless prospectus from edufairs.. recycling box... the useful prospectus..keep.. ALL books from secondary school..keep... (even the notebooks... :3 ) ... sort out storybooks... dictionaries... bags... tech stuff... and memories...

Vacuumed and Mopped...

Now I have a clean table...

How long do you think it'll take for me to mess it all up again? XD



Blogger Edward Poh said...

erm.. i giv u one week to mess it up.. and yea!! i can play spore.. haha

10:54 PM  
Blogger Mumbler said...

the mess started to grow the second u stopped cleaning...

11:20 PM  

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