Dec 9, 2012


often times irrational... but that doesn't stop anyone from having fears....

i'm ok with cockroaches and lizards...bees to a certain extent..i wasn't sure how i'd feel about mice coz i've never had to deal with one before..untl yesterday night...

Twas a peaceful friday night when i was just about to make myself comfortable in my bed to study (it's too cold to study at the table...) when my flatmate started calling me.. she usually comes to my room to talk but yesterday she was just calling me from the living room..

thinking it wasn't a big deal i went and she said there was a mouse............

a mouse....

i couldn't believe it at first coz our flat is not that dirty....... how can a mouse exist in our not very dirty flat??? until i saw it with my own eyes......a mouse... in the corner......

we were quite calm at first, deciding that we should close the door so it can't go anywhere else...

but when it started to run, we started screaming......

it was a tiny little mouse which admittedly was kinda cute when it wasn't running around... but we still had to get rid of it.....

after around half an hour of screaming and chasing, we got it under a bin......... *wheew* ...

i'll admit, when it comes to pests i can be pretty i left it under the bin till the next die..and it had already died when i woke up to bag it and dispose it...

the worst part is the fact it was a BABY mouse.. and everyone says, when it's a baby, there's always more mice.. MORE.... arghhhhhh *insert "The Scream" by Edvard Munch*

so right after disposing of the mouse and discovering the horror that there might be more i just HAD to get rat/mouse poison..

and now even with the poison strategically placed around the house...i still can't help feeling paranoid and afraid.... *sigh* ... nothing has made me this paranoid before...... but all i can do is live in fear in my own home........



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