Dec 14, 2009


Dad and i went to see Nicole yesterday :) ... her Chinese name has not been decided yet but it will probably be a "Ying ____" instead of a "___ Xuan" ..she's so extremely tiny... either i have bad memory or Rachel was bigger than her when she was just born...

The shirt we bought for her from Thailand became obviously too big -.- ... when we were browsing around for a nice shirt for her i kept thinking.. how can a baby be SO small?? babies can fit into this thing meh?? coz the newborn clothes were SO tiny...

When i showed bro the pictures (one of it had Rachel, baby's big sis, standing next to her) he instantly said Nicole had the same nose as Rachel XD .. i have been wondering if Nicole will turn out looking exactly like Rachel o.O ... time will tell :)

I've put in the pictures from my holiday into the laptop and i realised.. it probably wasn't my photography skills that made the pictures look so nice (after all..i was using a sony T100 on auto) .. it was a combination of good weather and the beauty of the subjects themselves -.- ... coz some of it had the sky looking so beautiful and slightly fake.. to the point that it looked as if i photoshopped it (which i obviously don't have enough skills to do anyway) ... but having said that.. i'm quite happy with that camera and i don't think i'll experiment with a dslr so soon...

Ohh.. and i finally went for the undang ceramah today... it wasn't as bad as i thought... coz i kept dozing off a lot (slept at 3am the previous night).. XD ... but the times when i was awake the penceramah said lotsa funny stuff.. so it was tolerable... what wasn't tolerable was waiting for the guy to send me back -.- ... the ceramah ended at 3pm.. had to wait for the guy till 4pm.. and he dropped some other people off first so when i got back it was already 4.30... so this has taught me a very valuable lesson.. bring a book along the next time!! and my hopes of getting my license before i'm 18 have been crushed..... :'( ... i was talking to a girl and she said after the 2nd ceramah (the 6 hour one) we have to wait 1 month before we can start the driving lessons.. o.O .. so i'll definitely be 18 by then -.- ...



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