Jun 10, 2010

just one more....

tomorrow is the last day ... and A levels will be totally over..
question is.. will i be happy with it being done and over with?

I doubt so..too many mistakes.. all that regret will be boiling and bubbling in me.. will have to do my best to stop thinking about it i suppose.. and look forward to 2 more things i need to pass..

Today's paper.. hmmm.. well i wished i had listened to my gut feeling more.. guess i didn't have the guts to listen to my gut? i dunno why i thought those topics would be there but i felt it would and thankfully i revised it.. one of it is a topic i was absolutely clueless about so.. yea.. feels as though god is helping me .. but i still didn't pwn the paper coz my brain was telling me to broaden my study topics..anyways, it's over..

Bro picked me up after my paper coz he was hungry and i was too since i hadn't had lunch.. and then i realised.. if i wanna eat at SS15 i'll have to purposely come and it won't be like now.. gahh.. i get kinda sentimental at times like these :( .. but i plan to take some pictures of the area.. maybe not tomorrow.. just come out to SS15 one day for photo taking :) .. maybe when SS15 is deserted during school holidays :) ..

we've gotten this far.. let's end it with a bang! .. i hope..



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