Jan 2, 2007

Another Early Birthday Pressie..!!

I just finished baking the cupcakes which failed horribly when my cousin called me to ask where I was... then she said she'd be right over.. so I already guessed that she got me a present since yesterday she asked me what I wanted... then she came over with the little potato, cousin-in-law and a huge plastic bag.. not really huge lah... its bigger than usual... then she wished me happy birthday and it was a Mashi Maro!! hehe... one more to my collection!! yay! I already have 2..one was for my birthday last year from my friends and another one was a bolster with mashimaro's head which my aunt gave me just because she thought it was cute..haha.. lucky me!

I have a pink bear and we call him "Tua Tau" (Big Head) then I thought we should compare their sizes... Here's a picture of Tua Tau

Hehe... he doesn't look so small here but put them side by side.....

Hahaha.. he's so small now! He doesn't look like he enjoys sharing his space with mashi maro... and after you carry mashi maro.. tua tau feels so small and tiny and fluffy... hehe... ahh... i'm happy... but i gotta sleep early tonight...*sigh* ... school starts tomorrow...*sobs*...



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