Dec 8, 2010

living in a catered hall....

at this uni we're given a fixed amount to spend on food... and this amount cannot be carried forward to the next semester or refunded back to us... ain't that just cruel?

SO.. with the semester coming to an end, students in catered halls who have previously not really been spending the money are scrambling to use up the money.. (me included -.- ) .. so what do we buy? crisps! chocolate bars! yogurt! ribena! bottled water!

it's like i'm an animal storing up food for winter... junk food...

my stash so far? 18 bags of crisps, a few kitkats, 4 bars of snickers, 4 packets of ribena.... and i still have to spend at least 12 pounds a day to finish it before i go for my holiday....grrrrrr....

(i do not intend to finish the junk by myself, ok... hahaha.. some of it is for chin li :D )



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