Nov 3, 2013

Mendeley!!'s the final year of my undergraduate degree and I can't believe I just discovered this now so I just wanna get the word out there for all you folks writing essays and dissertations :D

Previously all my assignments were just essays and I didn't have loads of references to put into a bibliography.. so I used to go through the journals/articles and refer to my citation guidelines to compile the bibliography..
But now with my dissertation I'm expected to have lots of reference articles which makes things a bit trickier/more tedious or rather, I just suddenly came to the conclusion that it's gonna be too much work to go through each article and work out how to list them out in the bibliography -.-

The first thought that came to my mind was..hey, I've heard of this magical thing called EndNote..maybe I'll finally use it! But to my dismay you need to pay to use EndNote...

Then my good pal Google introduced me to Mendeley~~
Since it's free I downloaded it just to give it a try..and I'm just so glad I found this wonderful piece of software :'D

All I had to do was dump all the pdfs I wanted referenced and Mendeley separated the name of the authors, the journal, the year etc..
In an ideal world there'd be a software that would give you the reference ready to put into the list but we don't live in an ideal world so for me, it's good enough!

So give Mendeley a try :3 



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