Feb 22, 2013


Listening to this song as I'm typing this... though I don't really identify with the lyrics a lot, i somehow like this song.. only part i can relate to is the word hazy..

As usual, I've been thinking about stuff...life..the future..

As I continue to study what I do, thinking about my future career prospects.. is this really what i want to do? Do I want to work in a bank or financial institution, stuck in a 9-5 job for the rest of my life post-graduation? I just can't really see myself doing that..but who knows, maybe when I start I won't know how to stop..

On one hand I hope to earn enough to give my parents and myself (and if God-willing, my own family) a comfortable life but at the same time i wonder if I'll love my job..which I still think is the most important thing in a career, to love it..

Maybe my internship just gave me such a negative experience that I'm a little scarred by it..I don't know if my colleagues were passionate about their jobs but it seemed like such a meaningless life from where I stood (but then again if I had bills to pay maybe I wouldn't think like that)

Maybe I just have these wild thoughts of grandeur, hoping to make an impact in society instead of just getting a monthly paycheck from a job I'm indifferent towards and being contented with a life like that..I know it's not so easy to make a difference in society or sometimes even getting a job that you're truly passionate about.. but I can dream about it can't I?

As much as I wish I could turn my dreams into reality.. some self-examination would tell me that it won't happen.. I'm not great when it comes to follow through or even execution sometimes.. So as usual, ain't nothing I can do now but get through uni and see where life takes me next...

"If I forgot who I am, would you please remind me?"



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