Feb 18, 2010

First rejection....

I was chatting, looking around facebook then i suddenly thought..

"I'll check my inbox"

it's kinda random these "i'll check my inbox" moments.. it's like i'm engrossed with something but suddenly something hits a button that says "check email" XD ..

anyways.. there it was again.. that status change email.. since i have only UCL and King's left.. i was mentally prepared for a rejection... and sure enough.. that ugly "Unsuccessful" was wedged between the two "conditional"s .. and the reason for my rejection was my application wasn't strong enough...

i'm not sad or depressed surprisingly..considering the fact that it's the one i want the most.. maybe coz i've psyched myself up with the other 3 that gave me offers already that it doesn't matter anymore.. and probably also due to my mental preparation for that long-awaited rejection.. so one more rejection to go and i'll make a decision! :)

UCL also one kind wan.. 2-3 days ago they sent me an email saying there'd be representatives in Malaysia in March -.- and then they reject me today... XD ..
Ohh.. on a happier note Southampton sent me some brochures today :) ...



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