Feb 10, 2010

Tagged by Joe Ann..

I think this is the first Chinese tag for me...

Q1 : 你旳大名

BIG name ah? ELLEN :P ... (someone tell me why it's big name -.- )

Q2 : 你认为什么才是真正旳幸福?
hmm.. to be able to give to those in need and to be happy without bothering what other people think of you and world peace!!

Q3 : 你觉得爱情重要还是友情重要.
friendship coz when you're out of ai qing who's gonna be there for you? ;)

Q4 : 你相信天长地久吗?
no... suppose not..

Q5 : 你现在过得快乐么?
yea.. i'm quite happy.. :)

Q6 : 如果有秘密.你会做到坦白地告诉对方吗?
har?? "dui fang" refers to who?

Q7 : 喜欢小baby吗?
yea.. :D

Q8 : 你是谁??
I am me...?

Q9 : 希望自己多大结婚?
After earning enough money to support a family and seeing enough of the world..

Q10 : 证婚启示
erm... i dun understand this question.... (google translated it as "witness revelation" o.O )

Q11 : 你觉得女生直发好看还事曲发好看?
depends on the individual..

Q12 : 最想去哪里旅游?
a lot of places....

Q13 : 一辈子都不会忘记旳人.?
family and friends..

Q14 : 如果爱一个人,是不是要拼命地爱他(她)?
... this question like so... "kau lat" .. must "ping ming" love that person.. isn't it a bit too much...? -.- .. but to love deeply, definitely..

Q15 : 看到天空.你想起旳第一个人是谁.?
i never think of people when i look up into the sky... -.- ... maybe if the clouds resemble someone i know..

Q16 : 你会爱他一辈子吗?

who's that?

Q17 : 喜欢你旳人和你喜欢旳人.你会选哪个?

Q18 : 你会以什么方式向她(他)表达你旳爱?
erm... through food maybe?? XD ..

Q19 : 如果看到自己最爱旳人熟睡在你面前你会做什么?
depends.. i'd either hug or whack him.. XD

Q20 : 你后悔过自己旳决定吗?

Q21 : 你脱口而出旳话是?
i dun understand this question too... -.-

Q22 : 现在最迷什么?
nothing much really....

Q23 : 你是好孩子吗?
of course..!! ask my parents lahh.. :D

Q24 : 觉得爱情和面包哪个重要?
can't they both be as important?

Q25 : 你白痴啊?
maybe... -.- ..

Q26 : 如果你旳BF(GF).经常不回家旳话.你会怎样?
ask where he is maybe..?

Q27 : 心烦旳时候要怎么办?
sleep it off..

Q28 : 你是个记仇旳人么?
not really...

Q29 : 最爱那个.离你有多远?
my "zui ai" got very near and got very far... XD ..

Q30 : 可以做到永不背弃爱嗎?
i dun quite understand.. (google language tools says "love will never abandon") -.- ..

Q31 : 如果你知道你快死了,最后一句说什么?
i don't wanna be cremated!!!

Q32 : 最爱最爱旳人是谁?

Q33 : 在你心裏、最愛聽旳3個字是什麼.?
... dunno.. got such thing wan meh.. -.- ...

Q34 : 希望時間停留在哪個時刻..?
when i was a baby ....

Q35 : 最讨厌对方对你做了什么?
oh.. does "dui fang" refer to an imaginary guy i have? hmm.. WORST thing that can happen is...imagine if you're with a gangster boss/rapist/serial killer/drig dealer hmm..lemme think about it..

Q36 : 如果对方提出分手你会挽留吗?

Q37 : 现在幸福吗?
hasn't this question been asked already...?

Q38 : 哪一个国家你觉得最浪漫的?

Q39 : 我染发會好看嗎?
heh.. with the right colour i think it'd be quite nice...

Q40 : 是否狠心去拒绝过人?
haha.. they never "biao bai" how to reject..

Q41 : 如果你心爱的人背叛你会?
depends on what kinda betrayal....

Q42 : 你被点了几多次?
somebody tell me what this means please -.- ..

Q43 : 现在最想去哪里?

I really got no clue what question 42 is about.... can someone explain? D:



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