Jan 24, 2010



in about 13 hours our AS results will be check-able online..

in about 15 hours Ms Hew will come to our classes to distribute the exam results hard copy..

contemplating bringing the mini laptop to check online.. isn't it more exciting that way...like you key in your username.. then password... and wait..... then it APPEARS and you either laugh or cry depending on the results -.- ... instead of opening a letter with shaky hands... hmm..

I seems to be the cause of many people's misery.. hahaa... being dramatic but.. i always happen to remind people the day we can see our results when all they wanna do is forget about it...

i seem to be the only one who is looking forward to seeing the results .. i know it may be bad but.. it's somewhat... fun..? hmm.. fun is not the right word.. exhilarating's more like it...

I reminded Esther that day at the airport XD .. i reminded Elvina (from college) and she started tapping on her calculator checking how many hours we have left..

But really.. it's kinda weird..because for one thing.. i'm quite sure SynJoe and Elvina will get 4 or 5 A's ... and yet... they're so afraid to see the results... puzzling.. but true XD ..

i'm prepareing myself for the worst.. my prediction of my grades... BBBCC ... :( ... but even then.. i'd rather know sooner than later.. XD .. the waiting is horrible -.- ...



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