Jul 24, 2010

on this lovely saturday night...

did I..

A) Read a book
B) Listen to music
C) Catch a lizard
D) Tidy up my room

The answer is C!

It all started after an evening walk with mum.. I went to my room and switched on the smaller light and did some exercises in the room.. after all that i decided i should take a shower before dinner.. but then i saw something on top of my mirror.. it was an eye... a head.. it looked like a lizard's head....and because i didn't turn on the big light i wasn't sure so i took my eyes away from the mirror, switched on the big light and when i turned back.. it was gone... and then it was dinner time already...

So after dinner i went to my room again coz i still hadn't showered.. and as i walked to the toilet... there was a piece of lizard poo! hrmph.....!!!!

since i couldn't see the lizard at that time i thought i'd just dump the poo.. i used a receipt to scoop it and threw it into the toilet bowl.. so i had to get rid of the now tainted receipt and as soon as i approached the dustbin.. there it was.. the creature that decided to poo in front of my toilet..

both the lizard and i knew that the lizard was doomed...

but it helped me to doomify it.. oh yes it did... it was silly enough to crawl into the toilet.. the toilet where i could close the door and minimise my target's running area... the toilet where i have weapons (broom, bucket, hose) ..

I must admit i had a more interesting time with this fella... i tried using only the bucket but it was fast... then i used the broom.. but it didn't receive critical damage.. then when i used the hose.. oh ho ho...

long story short.. in the end i caught it with a plastic bag.. and showed my victim to my parents and once again.. they were so proud of my lizard catching skill XD ..

i think now i truly believe that each and every one of us has a special talent...



Blogger Shannon said...

u are really following ur dad's footstep... are u for hire? come catch those in my house

1:09 PM  

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