Dec 15, 2010

hard work paid off :D

title does not refer to exams though..haha...

My hard work refers to my catering card balance of 11+ pounds...whee~~~ i think i overspent on junk a bit too much but it's all good! leaving campus on Thursday anyways and Chin Li + Durham here i come!! can't wait :3 ..and then to London!

Anyways.. when i first arrived here dad and mum took me to Tesco A LOT.. it was very near and very convenient so got a lot of stuff from there..including a plastic kettle..
Mum and dad being the health conscious people they are, would usually say no to plastic containers so what more a plastic kettle right? But surprisingly while mum thought we should wait to find a stainless steel one dad just said "buy lah.." .. and buy the kettle we did..

Fast forward to a few days ago.. Mum and dad skyped with me and told me to get a new kettle -.- .. I was happy to get a new one (coz occasionally i wonder if i'm gonna die faster boiling water with a plastic kettle...) but what am i gonna do with my old one?!?! sell? who wanna buy? so the only solution was to give it away....

So today after i couldn't stand looking at the kettle in the corner i packed it back into its box and stuck a sticky note on it saying "Free Kettle! Purchased 3 months ago. In good condition" .. and when nobody saw me i placed it on the pantry table...

When i went out to get dinner i peeked into the pantry... The kettle was gone! :D .. kinda surprised though.. i thought people would be suspicious of a free kettle.. made me feel like Santa Claus somehow.. XD

ho ho ho...



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