Jan 5, 2009


Grr... watching my friends go off to college is... making me feel guilty...
Sometimes I feel like I'm wasting my time... but I know that I need this time to :
1. Get driving license
2. Practise more on piano (though i havent been doing much so far...but i thought i'd have jan to march to do something about it before college..coz i'm a procrastinator..)
3. Maybe lose some weight

But...today..while most of the people are goin off to college and school is starting... Huai Ping and I went to midvalley to shop instead...We were talking about people going to school while we were shopping.... and then when we went home... she sms-ed me... and told me... she might start in January... and I started chatting with KerMin... and then she said March intake would be really rushed and stressful... then came my panic attack... It's not that I didn't give any thought to what subjects I really wanna take for A levels... I had in my mind the 4 subjects I want for quite some time now... but it's so sudden... if I do then I'd be registering today (it's past midnight..) and going to college tomorrow O.O ... And thinking about June... I dont think I can wait that long...and March..it'd be so express..i might not catch up... and so...tomorrow will be the day... I go and discuss with the college people.... *sigh* ... I didn't expect my days as a bum to end so soon -.- ...

p/s: great... mum just pointed out my table's a mess!! i was gonna tidy up but...hehehe... grr...guess i'll do it now...



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