Dec 28, 2009

My greatest enemy....


I've reached a point where nothing on tv entertains me.. i'm done blog hopping... i have movies on my laptop but i don't feel like watching them... and the little voice in my head is telling me "do your homework..!! your holiday's you want to fail your A2????"

So after i finished breakfast today i sat down at my table... Priority No. 1 .. Physics...

*open up the past year book*
*stare at question*
*stare at notes..flip flip flip..*
*makes no sense of notes*
*check how much i actually have to do*
*close the book*

after that i opened up the book for physics practical and the cycle continues... and maths.. and now i'm thinking about how much i have retained from chemistry (gasp! don't we have a chemistry assignment as well????) ... D: ... so depressing -.- ... hmph.. guess i'll do theory first.. have a pre-trial exam tomorrow XD ... and i'll have to finish reading up on undang by this saturday coz i'm taking it on sunday -.- ... of all days ....


Dec 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

Woke up fairly early today... 8 something.. then i brushed my teeth and went back to sleep XD ... woke up again around 11.. and it's time to get baking!! I'm in charge of my aunt's birthday cake.. i forgot if i baked last year.. maybe i did.... hmm... well.. since i always bake cheesecake for birthdays (or brownies for friends...) i thought it's about time i did something else.. i bet my family's bored with cheesecake already.. so i baked a moist chocolate cake.. and ... i'll probably use a different recipe next time -.- ...

the chocolate fudge took SO long to thicken. i kept stirring and stirring.... and nothing happened... and when it does thicken, it's still a little too dilute... but baking this cake brings back memories of joe ann's birthday celebration we had in form 4 :) ... it was a bbq and i baked this cake for her.. and jill started attacking people with the choco fudge... ahhh.. good times.. good times... XD ..

after i was finally done with the cake i sat down for my brunch... i requested for mum to tapau prawn mee when she comes back but haih... the prawn mee uncle also on christmas holiday... -.- .. sien...

can't wait for dinner.. that's the highlight of christmas every year (not going to church XD) ... but i wonder if there'll be shepherd's pie this year...hmm.. guess i'll find out later :)


Dec 24, 2009

Christmas Eve...

It's Christmas Day tomorrow!! Bro's headed out with 2 of his friends so i'm stuck at home with mum and dad -.- ...

I went to the office with mum today since she took half day.. i thought i could shop for some stuff but everytime i have the mood for shopping i can't find anything i like..isshh..

So.. no Christmas presents this year... i feel guilty asking for one anyway (though dad did offer to get us something) since we already got some stuff on our trip... and we kinda ran out of ideas of presents to give family (as in cousins, aunts and uncle) so... we skipped that as well since it's not an annual thing for us... heh.. kinda weird huh..? maybe it SHOULD be made into an annual thing o.O ..

And now i know how agonising it is to be waiting for offers :/ ... i think i check my e-mail at least 3 times a day... what's worse is when a friend receives an offer then you suddenly have that ray of hope "Maybe...maybe today they'll reply to me!!!" then you check your email and .."darn... not today... :(" .. but since it's chrismas time.. i guess i shouldn't be so anxious... the people over at the UK are probably too into the holiday mood to care about applications XD ...

College next year will be slightly lonelier... SAM friends have graduated :( ... at first you don't really feel like you're slower than them in any way since we start at the same time but now.. the extra 6 months we have left seems so.. long.. coz they'll all be in uni by then... hopefully we'll still get to see each other often :) ...


Dec 18, 2009

*blink blink*

It's Christmas next week!!! where did my holiday go to........ -.- ... haven't touched my holiday assignments... haih...

now that i can track how my application is going i get so tensed when i see that i have email in my inbox.. coz they'll email you when there is a status change (reject or get offer) .. then it makes me think about my results.. coz apparently it's supposed to be released on the week we return to college... *shudder* ...

apart from has been pretty relaxed.. i'm quite surprised at myself coz it's only the 2nd time i'm baking since the start of holidays.. first was the failed cookies -.- ... today i'm testing out a recipe i found online ... NY cheesecake.. coz aunt's b'day is next week so i thought i should test this out before actually serving it to everyone and spoiling their dinner... it went well... it really did.. and it's supposed to have "a slight crack while cooling" but.... mine looks like a big crack -.- ... it'll be done in another half an hour... *fingers crossed* .. guess it's been too long since i've baked anything... haih..

the inspiration for baking this NY cheesecake is actually the cheesecake from Selfridges in London... dad told me when he was studying there he, together with his friends rented a car and drove all the way there and bought it back to eat... and he said it is "the best cheesecake in the world" ... so we bought it and i say "It is the best cheesecake in the world" .. even when bro had it he said "I'm in heaven" ... XD .. so it made me think that.. the cheesecake i usually make is really sucky compared to this.. and i suppose most of my family members must be bored with me baking the same thing over and over and over again so..why not try something different? i found the recipe by googling and it was from the BBC good food thingy.. and all i saw were positive comments at the comments section... it's from UK too..and there are good comments so i went with this recipe :) .. if it turns out well i'll link the recipe here XD ..


Dec 14, 2009


Dad and i went to see Nicole yesterday :) ... her Chinese name has not been decided yet but it will probably be a "Ying ____" instead of a "___ Xuan" ..she's so extremely tiny... either i have bad memory or Rachel was bigger than her when she was just born...

The shirt we bought for her from Thailand became obviously too big -.- ... when we were browsing around for a nice shirt for her i kept thinking.. how can a baby be SO small?? babies can fit into this thing meh?? coz the newborn clothes were SO tiny...

When i showed bro the pictures (one of it had Rachel, baby's big sis, standing next to her) he instantly said Nicole had the same nose as Rachel XD .. i have been wondering if Nicole will turn out looking exactly like Rachel o.O ... time will tell :)

I've put in the pictures from my holiday into the laptop and i realised.. it probably wasn't my photography skills that made the pictures look so nice (after all..i was using a sony T100 on auto) .. it was a combination of good weather and the beauty of the subjects themselves -.- ... coz some of it had the sky looking so beautiful and slightly fake.. to the point that it looked as if i photoshopped it (which i obviously don't have enough skills to do anyway) ... but having said that.. i'm quite happy with that camera and i don't think i'll experiment with a dslr so soon...

Ohh.. and i finally went for the undang ceramah today... it wasn't as bad as i thought... coz i kept dozing off a lot (slept at 3am the previous night).. XD ... but the times when i was awake the penceramah said lotsa funny stuff.. so it was tolerable... what wasn't tolerable was waiting for the guy to send me back -.- ... the ceramah ended at 3pm.. had to wait for the guy till 4pm.. and he dropped some other people off first so when i got back it was already 4.30... so this has taught me a very valuable lesson.. bring a book along the next time!! and my hopes of getting my license before i'm 18 have been crushed..... :'( ... i was talking to a girl and she said after the 2nd ceramah (the 6 hour one) we have to wait 1 month before we can start the driving lessons.. o.O .. so i'll definitely be 18 by then -.- ...


Dec 11, 2009


Squeaky clean now :3 ....

Just came back from a one-week holiday... England+ a few hours of Thailand...The whole thing was so last minute i didn't really know if i was really gonna get to go for the trip..hehe...

Enjoyed myself a lot... even though everytime i spend on anything i feel so much guilt :S ... some parts of the trip were better than expected.. some were really just -.-''' ... like Stonehenge...lazy to blog about the trip so if you wanna know how it went ask me on msn or in person XD ...

I missed some stuff while i was on holiday... like the birth of my new niece... :( ... i was there for Rachel all the way.. ok.. maybe not all the way but i got to see her the very next day she was born.. i went to see her everyday... i picked out a shirt for her... i got her a teddy... i wanted to see my new niece today right after we got back but it was quite late... but dad promised we'll see her tomorrow... while we were in London my cousin-in-law sms-ed to say the baby had been born.. and a few days after he sent an MMS to my dad of the baby :) ... can't wait to see her!! but this time around everything seemed to move so fast.. maybe because i saw my cousin almost everyday when she was pregnant with Rachel and this time around i seldom saw her... it feels like only weeks ago when she said she was pregnant -.- ...

And i was so anxious about my application.. after i had sent it in i kept logging in to check and the reference wasn't written yet.. so after one week of being technology-less... at the airport i asked bro to let me check my email to see if i received a welcome letter yet and i hadn't :( ... so when i came home i logged on to UCAS and thankfully the application was sent on the 6th of december.. now i'm just waiting for the welcome letter and i'm keeping my fingers crossed >< ... i think after the trip to London i really hope i can get into uni over there more than ever... haih...

gotta get up early for piano class tomorrow ... and i haven't finished my theory :( ...
